Saturday, March 5, 2011

Comments 4 Teachers 2

The teacher’s blog whom I was assigned to follow was David Hopkins. David has been a learning technologist at the University of Bournemouth since the year 2007. David graduated in 1996 from Kingston University.

The Horizon Report 2011 – ‘eBooks’ #eBooks #mLearning #eLearning

The first blog post that I read was dealing with eBooks. The 2011 Horizon Report says “As the electronic book moves further from a digital reproduction of a printed piece, some writers are seeing it become something far richer, allowing journeys through worlds real and Imagined, undertaken nit alone but in company with other readers.” This is the web address for his Blog: . I think this is going to be the future of the book. My little brother is only ten years old and he downloads his books onto a Kindle. My mom can easily buy him books to read without even having to leave the house and for a low price.

Facebook login

Can your boss ask for access to your social media accounts? #SoMe

The second blog post I read was about having to give your employer your social media (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace) passwords so they could have complete access to your accounts and private information. It goes on to say that if you deny your employer access to your social media accounts then it looks like you have something to hide. I personally don’t think that they have the right to even ask for this in the first place. His Blog address for this very interesting blog is: Overall I was very much impressed with my teacher’s blog from an educational viewpoint.

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