Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Post 2

1 Did You Know?

Some of the facts are just mind blowing. For example that one out of eight couples married in the United States last year met on the Internet. A lot of these facts are showing how the United States is falling behind in the world. Take this in consideration soon China will be the number English speaking country. Twenty five percent of India population with highest IQ is greater than the total population in the United States.

I had no idea that the United States was so far behind in technology. This it self is scary because the world is becoming so technologically based. I myself did not know that there were more text sent everyday then there are people in the world. Another thing that I could not believe is that if MySpace was country it would be the fifth largest in population.

2 Mr. Winkle Wakes

The world has greatly changed over the last hundred years. Some of the simplest stuff that people take for granted were never even thought of 100 years ago. For example, driving yourself to school and printing out your homework. Cars and computers are just two examples of the many technological inventions.

With all the new technology being introduced into the world you would think that schooling and education would be more involved. Schools are one of the most non-technological places around. You will see high-tech computers in businesses and in hospitals, but old outdated computers in the classroom. This doesn’t make sense to me because schools are where we teach the future of our country.

3. Sir Ken Robinson

We are supposed to be educating our children in schools for the future, but by the time we teach them one thing it has already gone out of date within two years. The world is growing at an extremely fast rate. Children are sometimes misunderstood. Children are taught one specific way but not all children learn the same way. Children are not afraid to make mistakes.

Children are all very creative, but if you make a child do the same thing all of the time, they loose a lot of their creativity. Why shouldn’t children be able to choose what they want to take in elementary schools as an elective like they are able to choose in high school? I am not saying that we shouldn’t educate children in core subjects but we should allow them to choose if they would like to take P.E., dance, or music courses. If we did this would we have more artists and athletes?

4. Cecelia Gault

A young Finland student, Cecelia Gault, interviewed Sir Ken Robinson to touch on a few key points on education. He talks about balancing art and science in schools. He also feels we should make better use of technology in education. He shares that schools should be more involved with the community.

5. Vicki Davis: Harness your students’ digital smarts

In this video, Vicki Davis is getting her class more involved with technology. She shares how she blogs and teaches not through pencil and paper but through technology and computers. Teaching with pen and paper can only take you so far and only some students are able to learn with just a pen and paper. The Internet allows you to do so much more than what generations before us were able to do. She uses new terms and has the students use Google to look them up.

She doesn’t want them to do things the same way over and over again. She wants them to explore and find new ways to accomplish things on their computers. The students learn many different things and sometimes-even help Ms. Davis learn a few new things. She lets them know that by blogging you can stay connected with people from all over the world.


  1. Justin, I agree with you about each video that you posted about. We, for the most part, had the same ideas as to what each video was about.

    I agree that if we as a country do not begin to integrate technology in the classroom we will continue to fall behind. Along with the technology that we need to be putting inside the classroom setting we also need to add creativity to out curriculum. Children have wild imaginations and instead of nurturing that we don't allow them to be original in school and their creativity is slowly diminishing.

    I also like the video on Ms. Davis. She seems like an excellent teacher who understands the importance on updating our classrooms with new technology. She also seems to know how important it is to connect our children with other children around the world via the internet (ie. Twitter).

    Teachers are not geniuses who know everything. I think that it is such a good quality of her that she can realize and point out that she doesn't know everything and sometimes the students teach her about new things as well.

  2. Yes, we live in dramatically changing times. And schools seem to be falling further behind. What can we do about it? What can you do about it? Does it concern you?

    How do we increase the opportunities for creativity? How can we increase it? Reward t? Think about those questions. they really interest me!

  3. I think that it is not something that just one person can change, but it needs to be the whole education system itself. For instance one teacher in one school who teaches his/her students about technology is making only a extremely small difference. When if technology was more in the curriculum and was being taught on a regular basis by many teachers in many schools we could make a huge difference. Also i feel that this does effect me because the people who are graduating in years to come will one day be the people who are running this country. Should they not be educated in all aspects including technology.
